We love and value the youth of our church family. Youth are an important aspect of our church.  At Grace Anglican Church, we focus on long-term relationships and growth. We have several ministries throughout the week to facilitate this, all centred around God’s word.

Sunday Youth Programs
6-8 Bible Study
6-8 Bible Study is for kids and youth in Years 6 to 8 at both of our morning gatherings! They stay in ‘big church’ until the start of the Bible Talk, then head out for Bible Study in their own smaller group together. At 6-8, youth are encouraged to think hard about the actual text of the Bible – the same passage that is preached on in ‘big church.’ 6-8 Bible Study is a place where youth engage with the Bible, ask tricky questions about it and dig into big ideas as they encounter the word of God together as a group.
Youth Bible Study & Grace Anglican Church at Night

Grace Anglican Church at Night meets at the Church Hub at 6pm every Sunday evening. Lots of our youth from Year 9 and up are a part of Night Church as their main congregation. This gathering is designed to cater specifically for the youth and young adults of our church.

Before Night Church begins at 6pm, Youth Bible Study is held at 3:45pm on Sunday afternoons at the Hub. Each week, we dig into God’s word and feast on junk food. We usually meet during school term.

Contact us for more information about Youth Bible Study

Mid-Week Youth Programs
Grace Youth is for all high-school aged youth, from Years 7-12 (including youth who have left school!). We long to see the youth of the Camden Valley area Live for Jesus, Learn His Word and Love One Another. We meet every Friday evening of school term, from 7pm-9pm at the Church Hub. We start off at 7:00 with singing together. We play a couple of fun games, hear interviews and testimonies from some of the youth or leaders, hear a Bible talk, and pray together.
Each week, the Bible is read and taught. We usually work systematically through a part of the Bible each term, but sometimes we do a topical series on a particular issue or theme. After the talk we break off into small discussion groups to talk and think more about what we’ve learnt. Make sure you have dinner beforehand! But at around 8:30 we enjoy some supper and chat with one another. There’s often an epic game of handball or table tennis going on, plus lots of comfy lounges near the heaters in winter. We usually have an outing or two a term: joining up with other youth groups in the Camden Valley area, or going out to play laser tag or a pool party ourselves.

7pm – 9pm

10 Bluett Drive, Smeaton Grange

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Grace Youth is free of charge. However, as a group we have committed to sponsoring a child in need through Compassion. All who attend Grace Youth are encouraged to make a gold coin donation each fortnight throughout the term, if they are willing and able to do so.